People have told me there's no such things as unicorns. I don't believe them. They tell me it's not scientifically possible. I still don't believe them.
"Have you ever seen one?" they ask.
"Then they don't exist." Done. Period. End of conversation.
I've never seen an atom. But I've heard they exist.
I've never seen the universe. But I've heard it exists.
I've never seen God. But I've heard He exists.
Just because you haven't seen something, doesn't mean it does not exist. It doesn't make it a figment of your imagination. Anything is possible and everything is impossible. Everything and nothing is real.
People used to say that the world was flat. They used to say that the Earth was the center of the universe. Now we look back and laugh at their ignorance. But who's to say we aren't the ignorant ones. Who is to say that in a thousand years, people will look back and laugh at us for saying that there were no unicorns or fairies. No leprechauns or abominable snowmen. We don't really know anything. We only think we know. We think that the universe is never-ending, but what if it's not? We think that we're the only planet with life, but what if we're not? We think that there are stars in the sky, but what if they all collapsed and we just don't know it yet? What if tomorrow night, we look out at the sky and the stars are all gone?
Everything we "know" is constantly changing. Pluto is no longer a planet. Indigo is no longer a color of the rainbow. There is a new species of animals here. There's a new species there. Nothing we know is certain. Everything can change. So don't try to tell me that unicorns don't exist. Don't tell me that I just have a wild imagination. Don't say I'm crazy.
Or in fact, call me crazy. They called Einstein crazy. They said Columbus would die. They told Ford he was an idiot. Disney failed again and again. Oprah Winfrey was told she was "unfit for tv." But did that stop any of them? No. They kept going even though people said it wasn't possible.
But, who are they to say that. Since when do they know everything?
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