Friday, July 15, 2011

mischief managed

last night I went to the midnight premiere for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. There, I saw a lot of people sad at the end of the Harry Potter legacy, the end of an era, which gave me the idea for this post. I hope you enjoy it(:

Ten years we’ve been watching, faithful and loyal to the Chosen One. He is the one who has lead us through our time at Hogwarts. Every movie and every book has brought us muggles and wizards closer together.
Beyond this moment, this day, everything changes. Our childhood is over; we, like Harry, have finished our schooling at Hogwarts. Yes, it is a sad time. We all want to hold on to the world that J.K Rowling has created for us. Hogwarts will always live in our memories, as will all the people we have met along the way. Our job now is to share the Harry Potter legacy, to keep it alive. Let those who come after you discover the joy these books have given you. In our memories, he shall live forever. Vow to show your children the magic Harry showed to you. Enjoy the memories you’ve made with Hermione and Ron, and share them with the next generation. Despite the sadness of the end, I know this legacy will last forever. Let’s keep Harry, Ron, Hermione, and everyone else from Hogwarts alive in our hearts. If we do, then Harry Potter will never have really ended. Very few, or very many, of you will read this, and if you do, I ask you one thing: never forget. Everyone can help keep the magic alive. Sadness is found across the globe at the thought of the end of Harry Potter. Only, must it be the end?

Now read again from the beginning and look at the first letter in the first word of every sentence, including this one.
